piatok 30. januára 2015

Today's simple outfit in Teddy's sweater

Today's simple outfit in Teddy's sweater

Today we were with our Nene for a while in the town, so I dressed up something  comfortable in what I feel good and warm and what could be better than great sweater from Grandma that is fine as Teddy:-PI love those soft sweaters!!!! <3

Dnes sme sa celá rodinka aj s našou Nene na chvíľku vybrali do mesta, tak som na seba nahodila niečo pohodlné v čom sa cítim dobre a teplúčko a čo môže byť lepšie ako super svetrík od babky ktorý je jemný ako Teddy :-P
Milujem takéto hebučké svetríky <3

Necklace - aliexpress.com
Shoes- NewLook

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